Posted on 8/28/2023

What is SOCKtember? We are so glad you asked! September is the month we dedicate to collecting NEW SOCKS that we will donate to local charities in our community. Socks are one of the most high-demand items that are needed for people of all ages. Our Team will be competing with other teams throughout the world (yes, there are other countries competing!) to try and collect the MOST new socks for charity. This Annual Sock Raising Competition started in 2020. We joined Jon Isaacson's Team in 2021 & 2022. This year we started our own Team: The SOCK-et Wrenches! Who are The SOCK-et Wrenches? Our Team is made up of 10 Auto Repair Shops across the United States! How do we know each other? We met through ATI -- the Automotive Training Institute. Our group meets on a monthly basis to collaborate, learn, and grow together. This year we decided to team-up to collect socks together, across the country. At the end of the month, eac ... read more