Posted on 8/26/2021

At Graham Auto Repair we have 24 Team Essentials. These are words we live by. We use these essentials in the way we communicate with each other on a daily basis. If we see someone who is exemplifying one of our essentials, we celebrate! Likewise, if someone is struggling with one of our essentials - we use that as an opportunity to communicate and grow. One way that we celebrate success is by giving each other Stars! “Integrity is not about convenience. It’s an unwavering commitment to do the right thing in every action and every decision we make; even when no one’s looking. Make decisions that build strong, trusting relationships.” Let’s talk about Essential #1: Integrity Sadly, the Automotive Industry has not always been known for its Integrity. Whether we are talking about automotive sales, insurance, repair, or maintenance: there is an underlying fear that you may be taken advantage of. At Graham Auto Repair it is our goal to change that, one se ... read more
Posted on 8/31/2020

Graham Auto Repair | Essential #4 "Go the Extra Mile. Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the job, plus a little bit more. Whether it's starting early, staying late, or doing something that's not in your job description. It's the Extra Mile that separates the average person from the Superstar. Be a Superstar!" I just want to take a moment to make this, "Graham Auto Repair Essential" a little more personal. First of all, if you don't know me, my name is Lacie. I have been the Digital Media Manager here at Graham Auto Repair since April 2019. You can see my photo up above, along with our Service Advisors, Brian (left) and Rob (right). As the Digital Media Manager, I spend a lot of time in the background and I get to witness our Team and how they work together. I have never worked somewhere before where "going the extra mile" was the norm and such a huge part of ... read more