To celebrate opening our second location we held a monthly Customer Appreciation Drawing for our first 3 months of business. We had a total of 3 winners. In July we drew our first winner from all of our customers in June 2022. You can watch the video below to see our first winner. In August we drew our second winner from all of our customers in July 2022. Finally, at our Grand Opening celebration in September 2022, we drew our final winner, from our customers in August 2022. Customers were eligible to be entered into our drawing by completing a service with us at our new Yelm Location, on or before 8/31/22.
Click one of the links below to watch videos of our drawings on Instagram. Thank you to everyone who participated by being our first three months of customers in Yelm, WA!
Link to the Drawing Announcement
Link to the First Drawing
Link to the Second Drawing
Link to the Third Drawing
Link to our Grand Opening Celebration!

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