Posted on 10/14/2023

What are the signs you need new brakes? We understand that maintaining you car can be both rewarding and puzzling. One crucial part of your vehicle that demands attention is your brake system. So we are here to guide you through 5 signs that your brakes need extra attention. To help ensure your safety and peace of mind on the road! 1. Squeaky Symphonies: Have you ever noticed a high-pitched squeal when you apply your brakes? This can be a clear sign that your brake pads are getting worn down. Most brake pads have built-in wear indicators that will emit a sound when the pads are worn down. This sound is to ensure you never miss the memo! To let you know it's time to replace your brakes, before it becomes dangerous to drive. 2. Vibrations and Shakes: Does your car shake or vibrate when you brake? Warped brake rotors could be the culprit. This not only affects your vehicle's performance. It also poses a safety risk! There are other things that can cause your vehicle to vibrate ... read more
Posted on 9/15/2023

Graham Auto Repair is a finalist for Nisqually Valley's "Best Auto Repair" in 2023! Please help us out by voting. You can vote one time per day. Thank you everyone for your support!! We are so thankful that we get to serve you in Yelm, WA. Follow us on Social Media:   ... read more
Posted on 8/28/2023

What is SOCKtember? We are so glad you asked! September is the month we dedicate to collecting NEW SOCKS that we will donate to local charities in our community. Socks are one of the most high-demand items that are needed for people of all ages. Our Team will be competing with other teams throughout the world (yes, there are other countries competing!) to try and collect the MOST new socks for charity. This Annual Sock Raising Competition started in 2020. We joined Jon Isaacson's Team in 2021 & 2022. This year we started our own Team: The SOCK-et Wrenches! Who are The SOCK-et Wrenches? Our Team is made up of 10 Auto Repair Shops across the United States! How do we know each other? We met through ATI -- the Automotive Training Institute. Our group meets on a monthly basis to collaborate, learn, and grow together. This year we decided to team-up to collect socks together, across the country. At the end of the month, eac ... read more
Posted on 5/22/2023

UPDATE: This Giveaway is ended on June 30, 2023. Continue reading if you would like to learn more about how it went. Thank you to everyone who participated! Your feedback is greatly appreciated by our Team. We are celebrating one year of business at our second location in Yelm, WA! As part of our celebration we will be holding a weekly giveaway at both locations. We will have four (4) winners at each location. Keep scrolling to learn about the prizes, how to enter, and when the drawings will be held. If you still have questions, talk to our Service Team at either location! We will be giving away four $50 dollar gift cards at each of our locations. Each gift card will be for a local business in either Graham or Yelm. If you submit your entry in Graham, you will be entered to win a gift card for a Graham Business. If you submit your entry in Yelm, you will be entered to win a gift card for a Yelm Business. This is our way of saying thank you to our customers and ... read more
Posted on 5/9/2023

The Prairie Street Rod Car Show in Yelm, WA! Each year at the end of April the Yelm Chamber of Commerce holds the Yelm Home and Garden Show. As part of the event, the Prairie Street Rod Association hosts a Car Show. Last year was our first time participating as the Car Show sponsor. Our Team had the opportunity to sponsor the Car Show again this year. A big shout out to Bart and Amber for being this year's judges! Check out our short video to see this year's winners. There were so many Car Show participants this year, it was hard to choose! But we think Bart & Amber made some excellent choices. Thank you to the Yelm Community for another successful and fun event! Please give us a call or click here to schedule online. ... read more
Posted on 9/29/2022

On September 10, 2022 we celebrated the Grand Opening of our second Auto Repair Shop in Yelm, WA. We are so thankful for our Team from both locations for putting this event together and celebrating with us! We are also thankful for the Yelm Chamber of Commerce. They helped us kick off our event with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. If you watch the "Behind the Scenes" video below, you can also see a quick Tour of our new Yelm auto repair shop. There are YouTube video chapters, so feel free to skip ahead to the end. Here is a full "Behind The Scenes Action" video of our Team! We are so thankful for everyone's support. Opening our 2nd Location was a long journey, and we are grateful to finally be serving within the Yelm Community! Thank you again to the Yelm Businesses that participated in our Raffle Drawing. You can click on the photo below if you'd like to watch a short thank-you video of our Raffle. We had raffle prizes from the ... read more
Posted on 9/23/2022

We want to give a HUGE shout out to the Yelm Businesses who participated with us in our Grand Opening celebration!! Because of you we were able to give away lots of fun prizes to our guests, through our free raffle drawing. Thank you so much! Watch our short video below to see the prizes. If you'd like to see a longer video of our event, it's coming soon! Scroll down to see info about each of the Yelm Businesses who participated with us. You will also find links to their websites. Thank you Yelm! Thank you to the Team at 507 Taproom and Filling Station! Link to their Website: 507TapRoomandFillingStation.comLink to their Social Media: Facebook  ... read more
Posted on 9/14/2022

During the month of September Businesses are collecting New Socks that will be donated to local charities. At Graham Auto Repair we are one of the drop-off locations! This annual sock raising competition started in 2020. We joined up in 2021 and are excited to participate again this year! Please help our team meet our goal of raising 100,000 socks this year!!! You can learn more about SOCKtember by watching the DYOJO video Here: You can also watch the Graham Auto Repair video with Jon from ARES in 2021 Here: Drop off your New Sock Donations in September at Graham Auto Repair! We will be accepting sock donations at both of our locations. Choose the location nearest to you: Graham, WA or Yelm, WA. If you live in the Graham Community, you can also drop off your socks at one of the other locations that are part ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2022

Come celebrate with our team in Yelm, WA! We will have a Ribbon Cutting with the Yelm Chamber of Commerce at 11am. This will be followed with an Open House, BBQ, kids’ bouncy houses, giveaways and drawings! It’s free to attend, free to enter our drawings. We are looking to have some fun, introduce you to our Team, give you the opportunity to tour our shop, and meet more of our neighbors! The Yelm Community has already made us feel at home here. Thank you so much! We hope you will come and celebrate with us. ⭐️ Attend our Event: If you or someone from your business attends our event, we would love to meet you! Find me during the event and introduce yourself (if we don't already know each other). I would love to get a photo with you to share online! ⭐️ Participate in our Giveaway or Drawing: What's the difference? Giveaways will be a large number of smaller items that we can give away to anyone who attends our event. Examples could be pens, stickers, magnets, or somet ... read more
Posted on 9/3/2021

Have you heard about SOCKTember?? During the month of September Businesses are collection New Socks that will be donated to local charities. Our Team at Graham Auto Repair has joined up with TeamARES as a drop-off location for all of your sock donations!! Who is TeamARES? ARES is a local business that is partnered with the Graham Business Association, just like we are. ARES stands for "Advanced Restoration Environmental Services." Their team assists their clients through the process of Home Repair Insurance Claims, for things like fire and water damage. You can check out their website here: We will be making a video for SOCKtember next week. In the meantime, you can check out this YouTube video by The DYOJO: Drop off your New Sock Donations in September at Graham Auto Repair! Thank you so much for your support! If you have any questions or would ... read more